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The Moon Book | WILDSAMThe Moon Book | WILDSAM
The Moon Book | WILDSAMThe Moon Book | WILDSAM
The Moon Book | WILDSAMThe Moon Book | WILDSAM
The Moon Book | WILDSAMThe Moon Book | WILDSAM

The Moon Book | WILDSAM


Moon geology, surface features, mapping lunar phenomena

Front-page news, full-color photos, iconic figures

Stories from cultural luminaries and writers

A field guide to the Moon: astronauts, pop culture, religion, eclipse chasers and scientific explanations of lunar phenomena..
Inside Wildsam The Moon, you'll find intel on best viewing practices and stories from prize-winning authors, past and present; myth, poetry, and conspiracy theories from the archives; interviews with Apollo astronauts, NASA guidance officers, planetary geologists; and a history of man and the moon