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Branche - 'No. 2' Extra Virgin Olive Oil (375ML) by The Epicurean Trader
Branche - 'No. 2' Extra Virgin Olive Oil (375ML) by The Epicurean Trader

Branche - 'No. 2' Extra Virgin Olive Oil (375ML) by The Epicurean Trader


Fulfilled by our friends at The Epicurean Trader

Delicate in flavor and balanced with subtly sweet aromas to accompany and compliment subtle and exquisite dishes.

No. 2 brings a gentle approach to your recipes, providing a soothing experience of olive oil's more nutty and fruity aspects. This oil serves excellently to enhance truffle dishes, sautéed vegetables, and, if you are feeling adventurous, to go over a few scoops of almond or pistachio ice cream.

No. 2 carries aromas of ripe stone fruit, nutty undertones, and buttery notes.